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BioFlex Cold Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy, also known as Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), Photobiomodulation, Cold Laser, etc. is a light-based technology proven to be highly effective. The overall clinical effect of targeting both the injured/diseased tissues as well as the surrounding circulatory system is an unsurpassed accelerated healing response and decrease in pain, inflammation, edema and associated symptoms.
The technology is non-invasive, non-toxic, and is currently utilized in many countries world-wide.
Clinically Proven Benefits
Improved pain relief
Decreased edema and stiffness
Decreased scarring
Decreased recurrence of injury
Increased patient satisfaction
Decreased recovery time
Increased range of motion
Faster return to activities
No side effects
Advantages of Laser Therapy
+ Highly effective
+ No known side effects
+ Very few contraindications
+ Directly targets injured/diseased cells
+ Indicated for nearly all conditions
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